A funny thing happened today; I was checking out my communities on orkut when this popped up in Firefox -

This is the first time that I've seen this. I believe it's a Google Toolbar feature, but I'm not quite sure. The odd thing is that the warning only appeared when I tried to go to the communities pages while on the orkut.co.in domain and not on orkut.com.
I followed the This isn't a web forgery link ( which took me to a Google page, hence my assumption this is a Google Toolbar feature ) and reported the error. But it's ironic that Google's feature would block one of Google's own websites!
I followed the This isn't a web forgery link ( which took me to a Google page, hence my assumption this is a Google Toolbar feature ) and reported the error. But it's ironic that Google's feature would block one of Google's own websites!
Firefox 3 Is also Blocking All Google websites,Orkut is Still Have
His .com available at Bottom.
Lovely blogg you have here
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